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Average Joe
That is so f'ed up.. Adam should have one that.. Melena is just a stupid whore.. Adam had the brains, humor, money and the personality.. and what does Melena do? She goes with the pretty boy that has no future and still lives at home with his mommy and daddy in CA!!

Adam Mesh, if you are reading on the internet, and you come across this message, you are a good guy and you will find someone. She doesn't deserve you.

Melena, you suck.. you said you would want to live in NY and be closer to your friends? WELL NYC DOESN'T WANT YOU, YOU BITCH! GO BE WITH PRETTY BOY JASON!
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Just goes to show you that good guys always get shit on. :disappointed:
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I have to say that through the very little bit of the show that I've seen, I am both surprised and not about the outcome. I guess I wanted it to end good. Fuck her who needs someone like that.
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so, she picked the pretty boy over the average joe?

typical. fuckin' TYPICAL. I'm not surprised at all.
i feel for adam. he really opened himself up to her and got his feelings stomped on. oh how many times i've been there..
It's the only way to weed out who is a real person and who is an absolute bitch. Gotta take a chance and open up. So what if you get stomped on. She's outed for what she is and the guy needs to get up brush himself off and move on. Which I'd imagine he's done already.
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oh, without a doubt. that doesn't reduce the emotional pain that goes with doing that though. but nevertheless you have to continue to plug on.
I think it's really funny that this thread only has replies from guys. You're all GAY!
[Image: 2girls.jpg]
you need to be smacked around a bit. :mad:

oh wait, you'd like that. nevermind.

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