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Anybody ever participated?

I'm being "pushed", to interact with one right now.

I've seen 2 close family members, put in a thousand dollars, and get back five thousand.

TWO. It'll be 4, as of next week, should my worries not be justified.

They've "skirted" the illegalities, by giving out "certified" gems, in exchange for the cash. Which hypothetically makes it a legitimate business.

Here's my issues:

#1. Pyramids ALWAYS collapse. ESPECIALLY good ones, don't kid yourself. They fall the fastest. If it's growing fast, expect it to collapse faster. It eventually hits a level, that whoever started it.........can't pay out on. Legal or not.

#2. I'm a salesperson by nature, and at heart. I can sell anything. But I have a massive moral issue with making money off of those I love, by doing nothing more than convincing them to give me their money.

#3. I believe that if I get into it right now...........I'll benefit. I'll put in my thousand bucks, and convince 2 others to do the same, and make a quick and easy $5000. And I'm all about me baby, don't kid yourself. But I'd feel like a walking dickdribble, should the people I convince to come in, and help me make it, are the ones that get fucked.

#4. There's no free lunch.

I've just bought a new house, and could greatly use this easy, fast, unearned money, right now. But it doesn't sit right, in my belly.

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I'm lost
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]
Business+Family=trainwreck waiting to happen.
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Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod
I'm lost

*puts DIG on the list of people to bamboozle, should I get suckered into it*
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You've hit all the main points. DON'T DO IT. These schemes always collapse, and you'll be the one to get stung. If you want to make quick money, I'll teach you how to buy and sell foreclosures. Just send me $49.95.
[Image: molonlavecopy.jpg]
Quote:But it doesn't sit right, in my belly.

Answered your own question.
<center><img src=""></center><center> We don't want your forgiveness. We won't make excuses. We're not gonna blame you, even if you are an accessory... But we will not except your natural order. We didn't come for absolution, we didn't ask to be redeemed. But isn't how it is, every goddamn time... Your prayers are always answered, in the order they're received...

Quote:Originally posted by Crackle
You've hit all the main points. DON'T DO IT. These schemes always collapse, and you'll be the one to get stung. If you want to make quick money, I'll teach you how to buy and sell foreclosures. Just send me $49.95.

I have a fantastic career, and make an excellent living.

I'm not looking to switch my focus from that, at all.

I could do a million other things..............this is depicted as "easy, unearned" money. Which is enticing..........moreso right now, than usual (come on, buying a lottery ticket is the same thing).

I believe I already know my stance, I was just looking for outside input.
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When you buy a lottery ticket you don't face the potential of severing family ties. Though if you did i'd buy a shitload of 'em.
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Point made.
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Murphy's Law.
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