Full Version: The suggestion box
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:Lets all crank off.
Crank yourself off, i'm not gay
Quote:Crank yourself off, i'm not gay

Quote:eat me?
Quote:Suck it?
[Image: eatit.jpg]
OK, a new suggestion. Can you invite Tequila to be a member? We don't have a good hispanic representation here on the board.
I'm thinking NO! But, it's really up to the higher power.
Quote:We don't have a good hispanic representation here on the board.
Who needs em
The Sleeper Wrote:
Quote:We don't have a good hispanic representation here on the board.
Who needs em
WEll, SOMEONE's gotta mow the lawn and clean the bathrooms no?
We need more monkey vs robot fights.
We need to kill maynard. Confusedhot:
Sluggo Wrote:We need to kill maynard. Confusedhot:
Don't be angry my love.
Quote:We need to kill maynard. Confusedhot:
Don't be angry my love.
Oh...I'm not angry...
Sluggo--> :punch: <--Maynard...
Maynard Wrote:Kill whitey!
Thanks maynard.. now I've got garret morris stuck in my head!

Get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see

I'm Gonna
Get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see

I'm gonna kill all the whiteys I see
So whitey he won't bother me

I'm Gonna
Get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see
Maynard Wrote:OK, a new suggestion. Can you invite Tequila to be a member? We don't have a good hispanic representation here on the board.
we already got us one. he's a midget at that. JMB.
yeah, Grump... The Mexi-Midget came to my mind too when wetbacks were mentioned...
Pages: 1 2