Full Version: Board Wars Audio from today (8.10am)
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Can someone post the audio of the guys talking about .net and WB fighting today, and how they all take it too seriously... ?
yes, b/c the show has never taken board stuff seriously at all.
Actually, I meant certain boards taking themselves too seriously, but anyway... 8-)
boards? I'm only aware of 1 that does.
>) <------been a long time since I've seen that
sounds like the b-b-b-boys are reading uncensored
right after the BM interview
Here's some audio for you, feel free to share...

Today's Message Board Rant - Download Audio

Edited By pmf123 on 1106873251
so basically o&a are fans of INTERNET FASCISM
old news
they're the kind of people who would have a message board deleted for saying shit about a girlfriend
someone should call in & ask them about that...
I'm sure they'll get through!
that and something about raffle tickets.
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