Full Version: Who fuckin' cares?
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Pages: 1 2
Ken'sPen Wrote:That wasn't a thorn,
and I wasn't aiming for your side.
Then put on your glasses Grandpa
Happy Birthday (if it's really your birthday).... :loveya:
you know, i was really looking forward to when my name showed up at the bottom on my birthday, then the board got broken and i missed it Sad

oh yeah, happy birthday ken'spen :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
happy birthday pissbreathe.. i hope you die a terrible death, a thousand times over Smile
happy birthday. :thumbs-up:
Happy Birfday, Negro!

(He's black, you know...)
Quote:I prefer Granny Smiffs

So is my Homey.
In the immorta words of my main man Gonzo...
Shizzle mah Nizzle yo'!
Pages: 1 2