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people use message boards to get laid?
Well is that a dating site? What the fuck is the purpose of the site? It's been two pages and no explaination?, I can understand. I'm going to a wedding in July, but this looks like a cheesy blog site.
it's a cheesy blog dating site
it isnt a dating site really, but it becomes that for some. i really dont know how to describe it.
friendster + livejournal + aol homepages = myspace
all those things are really sad
Keyser Soze Wrote:people use message boards to get laid?
Some do
better than ?
drusilla Wrote:all those things are really sad
You know what's sad...
oh yea, theres a hotornot facethejury type picture rating thing too

livejournal + friendster + hotornot/facethejury + aol homepages = myspace
lush Wrote:
drusilla Wrote:all those things are really sad
You know what's sad...
quite beating around the bush. whose fucking myspace bitches?
Not Dennis
she still hasn't logged in yet!!!
internet whore stalking envy!
Maybe she ran away or was brutally murdered by someone on myspace.
i dunno why she would run away, his picture is great.
There's so
I haven't gotten laid yet from myspace
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