Full Version: Debbie Gibson is more entertainment than musical.. - the spread 20 years in the making
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the mexican kid who works in our kitchen seems to think that 30 bucks is a good price. he's even offered to pimp me out and let me keep half.
I'd fight for 75% or its no dice
well, one of the bouncers countered with $100 and he'd only take 30. i think i'm gonna hold out for a little higher though.
We're all worth what the market will keep reaching for whatever you can get
so, how do we define a high class hooker in mexico? pubic lice?
And free maracas with every blowjob.
you mean they don't hand those to you when you cross the border?
yeah...i thought it was like a lei in hawaii
new question...what's safer getting leied in hawaii or laid in mexico?
A high priced hooker in Mexico is one who has all her teeth
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