Full Version: This guy is my new hero
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Quote:"That name may not be as bad as A-Rod," Delaney said, referring to Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriquez, "but it's still considered obscene."

they sure take their baseball seriously, don't they.

By the way, this guy rules - I wish I had $$ like that to drop on things like this.
It's an awesome idea. I though something like this would happen when I heard about the naming rights a few a weeks ago.
Fark tried to name it Duke Sucks Stadium or GFY Stadium.
well, obviously "sucks" wouldn't make it, but GFY might have slipped though.

How about fumfer?
Quote:Fark tried to name it Duke Sucks Stadium or GFY Stadium.

They're naming it Boston Garden, I believe.
The Lumpy Titty Center
the yanks really stuck it to the red sox last october.
Typical Mets fan response. Yes the Yankees lost...but it wasn't at the hand of your team...enjoy Pedro.
The Mets really stuck it to....oh, right, noone.
gentlemen, i can't dispute any of your responses. the mets SUCKED the last 4 years. however this isnt about the mets. this thread is about boston and the yankees. posting a thread "sticking it to the yankees" is pretty pathetic considering you lost in the worst collapse in the history of sports last year.
a typical mets fan. cant find a reason to root for his team so he roots against the yankees. the thought must be, " my team sucks so i wish every other team in my area sucked too". pathetic.
that doesnt change the fact that its pretty pathetic to post a thread proclaiming you are sticking it to red sox fans. its laughable and sad.