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rap. dance. whatever category you want to throw dashboard confessional and yellowcard in.
Raging Bull was in B&W
There were thousands and thousands of movies made in black and white for 60 years. I'll give it as granted that there were 10-20 that were good. So, when I'm looking at a success rate of about .1%, then I'd rather avoid them all and not have to sit through the oasis of shitty movies before I find that one pearl.

Much like Indian women (dots not feathers). I'm sure somewhere on the planet there are a handful of attractive ones, but the vast vast vast majority are incredibly ugly. So I generalize and say they are all ugly. The fact that someone can find me a couple good ones, doesn't disprove my thesis. They are anomolies.
QuickStop Wrote:rap. dance. whatever category you want to throw dashboard confessional and yellowcard in.
emo. horrible, horrible emo. one of the guys i'm sharing a townhouse with next year loves that shit. i'm going to want to kill myself, like all of the singers of those songs
touch of evil and 12 angry men are great B&W movies. hitchcock made a bunch of great ones. theres a ton more great B&W movies. i know that gonzo and I are in the minority when it comes to B&W movies, kids these days just dont care or have an appreciation for much of anything done before 1960
In Galt's case it's 1972.
citizen kane was a great movie. i only watched it because i was forced to sit through it in film class. but i was blown away by it. its truely one of the greatest films ever made. (& this is coming from someone who also thinks that mallrats was kevin smiths best film).

country & freestyle along with whatever it is that you would call danielle's favorite music are the worst ever.
rebecca, casablanca, and notorious, are a few other great B&W flicks
12 angry men, touch of evil, and notorious are all great. I was actually dissapointed by casablanca and citizen kane, but that's cause i'm so edgy and stuff. I recommend dr. strangelove, all about eve, M (this has subtitles too, a double whammy! but it's seriously amazing), strangers on a train, on the waterfront, and the bicycle thief
The Hustler and All About Eve(as mentioned above) are really great ones.
Citzen Kane is always tops.
I guess Galt will not even touch silent films, especially German Expressionism films.
if i had a choice of only watching all of the old black and white films or all of the color films, i would choose the b/w ones without a second thought. most of the movies these days are crap made for the lowest common denominator.
i want to watch films like now voyager, witness for the prosecution, the list of adrian messenger, high noon, touch of evil, etc.

the color movies i would miss would be ones like the original flight of the phoenix, the profesionals, every sergeo leone film.
on the waterfront and the bicycle thief are also great, that sleeper mentioned.

speaking of french cinema, truffaut made some amazing B&W movies such as "the 400 blows".
The original Seven Samurai.
Buttmunch Wrote:The original Seven Samurai.
I never got to watch the entire movie. From what I saw of it, I liked. We had to watch it for a film production class.
great movie.

great b/w movie...and an early Kubrick flick: The Killing.
Keyser Soze Wrote:on the waterfront and the bicycle thief are also great, that sleeper mentioned.

speaking of french cinema, truffaut made some amazing B&W movies such as "the 400 blows".
on the waterfront boored me but the bicycle thief and 400 blows were good.
Galt Wrote:There were thousands and thousands of movies made in black and white for 60 years. I'll give it as granted that there were 10-20 that were good. So, when I'm looking at a success rate of about .1%, then I'd rather avoid them all and not have to sit through the oasis of shitty movies before I find that one pearl.

Much like Indian women (dots not feathers). I'm sure somewhere on the planet there are a handful of attractive ones, but the vast vast vast majority are incredibly ugly. So I generalize and say they are all ugly. The fact that someone can find me a couple good ones, doesn't disprove my thesis. They are anomolies.
i'll bet the rate is much lower for movies in color. so one can argue that black and white movies are superior
You know if you are not into black and white movies maybe you should watch "Birth of a Nation" That should turn you around...or make you want to join the or the other

As for worst musical genre...probably anything spanish...It all sounds like the same song to me anyway. As for the hatred of new country I'll say that some of it is just awful but there is a ton of artists out there that are phenomenal....Brad Paisley...Terri Clark...Keith Urban...Kenny Chesney are some good examples. The thing with it is the country genre has endured a lot of changes lately, its more poppy and main-streamed than it was when George Jones and Johnny Cash were huge and it has its detractors and supporters. It's not worse than it was or better than it was, it's just different.

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