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I finally watched it this past saturday, I don't see the fuss it was a good flick. Sure it had its cheesy moments but it wasn't the worst movie of all times, it was the same shit thats been coming out of the studio system for years now. I liked the retarded kid singing the rap tunes, good times. Plus J Lo talking about her pussy makes me happy.
will you be storing this on the shelf next to Dorm Daze & Hudson Hawk?
You liked Gigli ? The movie had to be the worst gangster/buddy/kidnap flik EVER! The guy playing a retard just annoyed me and Afflecks character was too stupid to be beleivable.And it seemed like it just wouldnt end too.

On a side note I finally watched Mystic River last night. Really enjoyed it.
Goatweed Wrote:will you be storing this on the shelf next to Dorm Daze & Hudson Hawk?
I don't have hudson hawk on dvd nor Gigli, I just saw it on cable.
Quote:I don't have hudson hawk on dvd

you're still holding out for that SE with deleted scenes & Sanda Bernhard commentary, aren't you?
Don't you badmouth Hudson Hawk!
gobble gobble
Suck my
I have lost all my respect for you.
Good day to you, sir!
Gonzo has so fell off in my eyes.

2005 is a dark dark year now.
This is what I think.

Now, when this movie came out, Roger Ebert gave it three stars. It then went on to get a public lashing when it came out, in part because the movie was not good, but this is no Troll 2 or From Justin to Kelly.

In my opinion, it is because so many people thought it was cool and hip to bash the movie, pouncing on Affleck and Lopez, because they were sick of hearing about the two together, and because everyone enjoys seeing successful people fuck up and put out sub-par work.

People need to get their heads out of their asses and stop following the crowd. This is not the worst movie of all time. Sit through From Justin to Kelly, or Pumpkinhead 2, or Think Big with the Paul Brothers. Those are bad movies.
Pumpkinhead 1 wasn't good either.
From Justin to Kelly is always on OnDemand. Im scared to watch it.
it might be the worst movie ever made. it wasnt even so bad that it was funny, it was just BAD. i turned it off after i finished jerking off to kelly clarkson.
People who think that Gigli is the worst movie ever have probably never seen it.
No, I've seen it. It made me angry to sit there and watch it. We rented it to make fun of the film but it was so awful that we couldn't even do that. I've seen better plot lines on a Skinamax movie, such as Lord of the G-Strings.
whoever played the retard should be blackballed from Hollywood forever. Whoever the casting agent was, needs to also be kicked out of the industry.
God, I watched You Got Served, but still can't bring myself to watch this.

At least the one I saw had an awesome South Park episode...
You got Served is a much better bad movie. It is ideal bad movie.
I hear there's a sequel in the works...
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