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So how much did you pay for the bj ?
I didn't, it was on the house.

So as I was saying before, this nigger I work with had the nerve to come to work today wearing pink pants with pink socks and gator shoes.... plus the pants were so thin that you could see his underwear... and I couldn't help but stare and he forced me to feel gay.... plus he has the biggest cock I have ever seen.
That was his Sunday best for church

oh yeah....FAG!
so as I was saying, I was at the supermarket today and I got some beers and diet mountain dew... it tastes like regular mountain dew... amazing stuff I tell ya.
Quote:PS: Don't tell danked I smoked weed without him.

*shakes fist*

you'll have no excuse next time you come over!!!
it's not really green, I never drank it out of a glass before, it's more like urine after you take a bunch of vitamins.
you smoked weed without danked???
without goatweed????

without me????

I did not!!!

I smoked it with you all in mind...
with each puff...he was like "this is for my nigga Goatweed"
next time I'm takin' the burger!!!
and I thought of you as I got my blowjob as well but thats so I wouldnt cum too quick.
I'm honored.
Once I thought about goats wife while I was spending quality time with myself
shes great, isnt she?
amazing little woman, so anyway she buried the dog in the backyard, what a fuckin weirdo.
cant she did it up & take it with her? I dont think Fido is gonna complain about it...
but she doesn't wanna wake him, duh!!!
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