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Fine. How about you?
Not too bad. Cant complain.
bored? theres a planet for you.
Keyser Soze Wrote:bored? theres a planet for you.
Youve missed me havent you.
go away again
fbd Wrote:go away again
My returns are eventful, arent they?
your bored village called. they're missing their idiot.
Keyser, we used to have such a good relationship, what happened?
who are you again?
I can remember you trying to woo me into to coming here. And sure, you can say it was because you guys needed someone to tool on, the canned answer, but you and I know the truth. There was once a time that you were quite fond of me. Now I only have Gonzo.
you're too flighty for me
[Image: 1074349765140_popcorn.gif]
Keyser Soze Wrote:you're too flighty for me
Flighty? Im a rock. I consistantly come back after months of absence.