Full Version: The Fall Of The Yankee Dynasty
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The Yankees desperately need to make some major trades because there is not a chance that they can win the AL without a 2B, CF, or DH. And they have one good starter
but at least giambi is back on steroids
the yankees have bigger problems than a centerfielder not stealing bases. not that it matters but the Mets are 5th overall in the majors in stolen bases.
Canoe is doable at 2nd, if Giambi keeps it up he can play 1st hopefully and sierra if he makes it back can dh. They need a CF but more importantly they need a pitcher, johnson and mussina will hopefully do their jobs and we can hope pavano finds some groove but they still need one more pitcher at least.
if carlos beltran doesnt start stealing some bases its over for the mets!!!
Unless MLB decides to make it a 300 game season, it's over for the mets.
how do you figure?
becuase it'll take that long for them to gain 5 games
is that some sort of new math?

back on topic, how bout that yankee bullpen, billy?
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