Full Version: This is the thread that will save the board...
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you can have silera post a picture of her ass at present form. And then we can make with photoshop hiliarity.
fbd Wrote:he started out with an FU to his we know the true reason why, because in one day, his dick would destroy the world
The Jays Wrote:you can have silera post a picture of her ass at present form. And then we can make with photoshop hiliarity.
Will it help save the board?
I'm convinced.
THe board has allowed me to hone my argumentative skills and reduce my convincing subject matter to mere phrases. I'm brilliant!

Now if I could just learn to type properly.
What sublime hilarity!
funny things
yay the thread worked
Iv'e missed this type of jocularity.
The Jays Wrote:you can have silera post a picture of her ass at present form. And then we can make with photoshop hiliarity.
I been sayin this since the day we found out shes carrying his seed, I figured it'd be so fuckin obvious but at this point it's just way overdue.

Get snappin with the preggo shots you lazy load rag.
*load rag

*in reference to alkey, not silera.
good idea with the clarification there...she snaps often enough without the extra hormones flowing
exactly, she's fuckin loco as is and them spics will knife you even when they're pregnant.
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