Full Version: Good work O&A Army!!
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We really took it to that guy!
did I miss the massive o&a army being unleashed?

did the boys give their ok, cause remember what happened last time.
that crazy cabbie!
still no clue... more hints plz.
he never saw it coming!! it was a sneak attack!!
you people suck
"what the fuck is wrong with you?"
now they get other people fired, so they've got that going for them, which is good.
Who gives a Schnitt?
I still have no clue...

I used to be the first to know, how far I have fallen.
dugout dug is a fucking laugh riot!
laugh riot... I GET IT!!!
The Jays Wrote:"what the fuck is wrong with you?"
d00d, did u get the t-shirt with fuck or with f@#$?
i guess theres nothing on sean hannity's show worth discussing.
those political boards scare the shit out of me.
those chink lovers