Full Version: what are your favorite songs about heroin?
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The Sleeper Wrote:that's not about heroin
They're hangin tough, they're rough!!!

Cause they're on the smack.

no not really
You'll get it later on when you're laid out on the floor of the bathroom with the needle still sticking in your arm. While you're shooing away imaginary insects and shitting yourself... you'll let out a giggle.
but according to DIG you cant shit while on teh H.
or does he just have problems down there?
usually you get shit problems when you quit heroin, a friend of mine did shit for 2 weeks after quitting and tore his colon while forcing the issue.
Quote:Once the initial rush has passed there can be a feeling of heaviness, as though your bones have melted down into your feet; followed by a feeling of distance from events around you, as though you've been wrapped in cotton wool. The result is a comforting glow. Nothing matters.

It's worth a painful poop every three days
ugh i just took a shit like you wouldn't believe
I'd believe it.
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