Full Version: The 100 Greatest Americans
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I didn't see the final episode. I did see the one before it where they had people "debating" the pros and cons of the final five, with a three person celebrity "expert" panel of Dennis Miller, Ann fucking Coulter, and the black American Idol judge (no idea what his name is). Coulter defended Reagan saying something like "Iran-Contra was one of the greatest decisions an American president ever made"...not surprising coming from someone who to this day remains a McCarthy apologist. The American Idol guy was just there, it seems, to be the token black guy rooting for MLK. Dennis Miller was just his usual unfunny self laughing at his own jokes.

And yeah, #9-6 are just fucking ridiculous...the old Discovery Channel never would have done this shit.
I hope Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson die painfully and it's on video
all this talk about cooters and Coulters is making the blood start to pump
yeah I watched that show too, I was amazed when she said that Iran-contra was the most brilliant thing he ever did. If it was so brilliant why did he deny it, admit it, deny it again and then somewhat admit to it but saying he never really had knowlege of it. If it's so brilliant I would think he'd be jumping at the chance of owning up to such a sly play. If he hadn't have recently passed away, no way he'd crack the top 50. Just as if this poll was taken in the mid-late 60's, JFK would have probably been voted #1.
Ann Coulter is a male to female transsexual...

Ann Coulter is to republicans what princess leia is to geeks.
Geeks like shemales?
of course, they're geeks, they can't be choosy.
i wanna see slit or scar. whatever the hell it is i wanna do things with it
that's gross
I bet with all the drugs you're doing you can't even get it up mister donkey dick..
speaking of princess leai, I saw that AFI tribute to george lucas and she looks like hell.
It's from the pressures of the force and worrying about luke's fall to the dark side and being relegated to guest spots in jay and silent bob movies as "cock knocker".
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