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does he/she/it fight with your dog like in the cartoons?
My dogs getting older thats why I got the cat, to soften the blow when the old pup croaks. The cat keeps biting my dogs ass and all my dog does is run away and then the cat runs around her and smacks her in the face and the dog does nothing... it's like watching an old lion being kicked out of the pride once the young lion comes along and kicks his ass.
Cats are yucky and now you are too.
I've got four cats and they all smack eachother in the face constantly.

Bonnie is the champion.
TheGMANN Wrote:Cats are yucky and now you are too.
Keep it up and i'll force choke you like padme.
so does it have balls?
Honestly, I can't tell.
You really need to get out of the house more if the entertainment of your day is looking for your cats balls.
you forget, to gonzo the outside is a scary place full of dark corners and icy sidewalks.
Once you find your cats penis will you be jerking it off and having the cat jizz land on your face ? Kind of like a master/pet bonding experience ?
Arpikarhu Wrote:you forget, to gonzo the outside is a scary place full of dark corners and icy sidewalks.
you forgot bees

and that maddox guy wrote a "review" of the new star wars. it was pretty funny.
TheGMANN Wrote:You really need to get out of the house more if the entertainment of your day is looking for your cats balls.
I work in queens, don't make me stop by
I defy you.
are you a cat person or a dog person? you really cant be both.
i like to think of gonzo as a rat person
what did you name it
How cute, did you make him a matching little Nazi uniform too?
well he's a white cat but he has a black tail and two black patches on top of his head and he has a teeny little black mark under his nose, so it fits.
I think I finally saw balls last night, they were tiny like what chicks call my cock but they were there.
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