Full Version: Wwf news & notes week of 3/30/02
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- There are a lot of people in the company who feel that Chris Jericho totally flopped as a champion, mainly due to his style and inability to generate heat. These same people state that Stephanie is the person who "saved" the main event at Wrestlemania, but it may be that people are afraid to say anything negative about her due to the fact that it can come back to haunt them later on given that she's Vince's daughter and one of the creative writers.

- The reason the Stephanie & Jericho vs. Triple H match was changed to a triple threat match is because that is the only way the bookers could think of to have Stephanie and Jericho end their alliance.

- On a related note, there are also some wrestlers who are getting heat with Triple H, apparently after word has gotten around at how he badmouths certain wrestlers at production meetings.

- Kurt Angle has signed a new contract with the WWF, reportedly for another five years.

- Given that he hasn't already signed, Rey Misterio Jr. is leaning heavily towards signing with the WWF, even though people are trying to talk him out of it based on the WWF's past of not really pushing small wrestlers.

- Some wrestlers pointed out that the Hulk Hogan didn't sell well for any of the Rock's offense at Wrestlemania with some stating that he did it intentionally to make himself look better, but others defending him saying Hogan can't sell as well due to various injuries he has suffered.

- When WWF Canada president Carl DeMarco approached Bret Hart about appearing at Wrestlemania, DeMarco actually offered Bret the one thing he is still interested in getting from the WWF - all his archived footage from when he was in the WWF. However, Hart still rejected the WWF's offer because he felt that if he appeared, he'd come off looking like a huge hypocrite. Vince McMahon for his part does not want to give Bret access to his footage because it will set a precedence in the future when other superstars start requesting their footage.