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HedCold Wrote:how long was it?
Down to about the middle of my back, but I would always take a bit off every few months or so...
Black Lazerus Wrote:you're an asshole
didnt stop you from taking an english lesson from me.
I used to have long hair down to my ass - it was a very sad day when I cut it off. It's been about 8 years now, and I really wish I could grow it long again.
Ten years ago I too got a respectable haircut. Before, my golden locks were all the way down my back. Couldn't stand the heat with it though.
First you shave the beard and now you cut you hair? It's like I dont even know you anymore.

and once again arpi adds nothing to the conversation and just tries to garner some attention by being a asshole.
that damn arpikarhu!

*waves fist*
Quote:and once again arpi adds nothing to the conversation and just tries to garner some attention by being a asshole.
it adds just as much as your comments regarding me and your endless obsession with me.
diceisgod Wrote:that damn arpikarhu!

*waves fist*
You don't wave fists at old people, you just watch them try to be hip with pity in your eyes.
What kind of hip replacement did you get done?
So now everyone's telling me I look like I'm 16 years old. I guess I'll have to carry ID on me to get into bars and shit...

I haven't been carded in ages.
I've had my head shaved for the past year, and everyone says I look much younger because of it. I get carded all the time.

It's swell.
i love getting carded
I just cant picture Galt with a shaven head.
Norton wanna-be
I'm even fat and pasty like him.
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