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is there a form to fill out in order to be official? If so, can I get one?
how much and whose blood do we have to drink?
4. hedcold
ha, hedcolds girl is being eyed up by the covetous jew
diceisgod Wrote:he's gone and there nothing nobody could have done about it...he's gone,*cough* he's gone
they fuckin whacked him!!!
i think it would be kinda creepy for me to be friends with quikstop.
wbk, are you friends with his lover, chris, too?
no, nor am i friends with his fat friend named rachel.
yeah you wanna get in that fat pussy wussy don't deny it.
i'd sooner root for the cowboys.
im am now officially friends with hedcold. crazy
hi there official friend
I have no friends.
i'll be your friend
i'll be both your friends!
crx girl Wrote:i'll be your friend
fuck buddy?
nice ignore there fucko.
you wanna be my fuck buddy?
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