Full Version: Ben's hog is SO BIG
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that it is even bigger than ALKEY'S FREAK EAR
Sleeper can fit it in his ass!
it's bigger than whackbagkid's jew nose!!
That's pretty big.
yeah well it can penetrate a girl, can your ear do that?!?!
this thread got hot all of a sudden
Are you shooting or snorting it?

I've snorted it before and it is quite enjoyable. However, the whole sticking needles in a vein thing that just plain sucks.
guys, the heroin thing is so pre-bloody anus
never shot it or anything else. up the snot hole. i've reached the point where first thing when i wake up i need it.
what does the fact that you have snorted your life away have to do with BENS HOG?!
we'll if I was hip on these things maybe I would have something relavent to say in that regard. but i'm just going to let these pressing worldly matters fall by the wayside and snort more heroin.
remember that scene when uma snorted heroin and they gave her that adrenaline shot in the heart, that was awesome.
Ben's Hog is so big that Mohammed Atta tried to fly an airplane into it.
Who is Ben, and why would it be funny for a plane to fly into his hog?

Can I just forget about Ben and his hog all together, and assume the post would never be funny to begin?
this thread would have been on page 30 by now on some other messageboards.
yeah, well, we let them handle all the work, and we just comment from afar
The Jays Wrote:Can I just forget about Ben and his hog all together, and assume the post would never be funny to begin?