Full Version: They're putting the band back together
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from what I hear.
Blues Brothers 3?

They already had a kid in the sequel. If this one has a CGI bloodhound that sings in it, I'm going to be pissed.
And John Goodman made such a logical choice to replace John Belushi.
this is good news.
It seems that half of america is on a mission from god today so they're gonna have to find something new if they wanna keep their rebel ways.
well, that half can keep listening to terrestrial radio.
yeah so, what was this in reference to, cause I didnt get it.
Ron & Fez are seemingly going to XM radio - but it's all speculation.
speculation for what seems like 6 months now
true but it seems to have picked up a lot of steam, especially on last week's show.

regardless, I'll be happy once they get on - I might actually laugh to a radio show again.
Yeah, they really wroekd it this last time around, and they contract was spose to be up soon, so, yeah