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good album.
I don't believe you.
nor do I.
I know that one chick is pretty hot, but she hangs out with a bunch of black guys.... so... you know....
that means you got no shot, noodle-prick!
that girl is not hot at all. She's got a pretty hot body and wears skimpy clothes, but her face looks like the back of a dog's balls
I think we all now know why froy chose me to write reviews for OTL.
they annoy the fuck out of me. i hate the black eyed peas. it really is sad how awful hip hop has become.
Lets not get carried away, they're nowhere near hip hop.
they think they are, thats my point.
well britney spears and the other simpson twat both think they're singers, you can pour syrup on shit but it don't make it pancakes.
But it sure is tasty
theres very little quality hip hop around anymore like there was in the early 80s and middle to late 90s.
hipitty hop hippity hop
Don't phunk with my heart... good stuff
Danked Wrote:I know that one chick is pretty hot, but she hangs out with a bunch of black guys.... so... you know....
but she fucks a really hot white guy
God I hate the fucking Black Eyed Peas.