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Only good Kilmer film was Tombstone, that was his peak.

and don't dare try to bust out Real Genius cause I will hurt you.
both of those films get a [Image: thumbsdown.gif] from me.
one thing i will give the yanks credit for which everyone seems to forget when they try to label the yankees as a revolving door of free agent aging superstars, the yankees have more lifers on their team than anyone else. a lifer being a player who has been playing 10+ years and has spent his entire career with one team. the yankees have jeter, mariano, bernie and posada. no other team has 4 lifers.
Gonzo Wrote:Only good Kilmer film was Tombstone, that was his peak.

and don't dare try to bust out Real Genius cause I will hurt you.
What about Top Secret!?
Goatweed Wrote:both of those films get a [Image: thumbsdown.gif] from me.
I admit kurt russel stunk up the film but Tombstone is still a classic strictly off Kilmers performance.
Hell, doc, I got lots of friends.

I don't.
Val Kilmer totally made Tombstone. He was great in it.

I was never a big fan of the Doors movie, but he was really good in that.

I thought Spartan was a pretty good movie given that I'd never heard of it, and had no idea what it was about going in.

And Top Gun was a good movie, dammit.
My brother inquired the other day as to what was the call sign of the head of the school.

I immediatly responded, "That's Commander Mike Metcalfe, callsign Viper."
Top Gun was awesome but that movie was all about Goose, fuck the iceman.

Spartan would have been an ok low budget film but I expect more from a David Mammet film.
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