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I downloaded silent hill 3 and it is one big .iso file. I mounted it and installed it. now when i try to play it, it says Wrong Disc Inserted. What do I have to do to play this fucker?
you could always try to draw a swaztika on it and see if that works.
I want to see if this game is worth playing and maybe beat it. I want to kill a little bit more boredom before I kill myself.
it sounds like you need to download another cd - some games are so huge they get put on multiple cd's.
you should try cleaning your scuzzi. that should do the trick.
so at this point, are you still laughing when you post that, or do you just do it because its expected?
I think its the first part but now that I am pretending to like him I will say the second.
why are you pretending to like him? just be like me, keep the years of hate going
anyone not named goatweed, please report to the principals office
fbd Wrote:so at this point, are you still laughing when you post that, or do you just do it because its expected?
a tiny bit of the first, alot more of the second.
I'm with you, scuzzi, lol!!!
the line itself doesnt fill me with mirth, its my painfully endless repetition of it that amuses me. as long as i am amused that is all that matters.
mirth...i love fancy jew words
my favorite has always been kreplach.
Download this file: Click Here

Patch the game with it and it should work fine.
At your service...