Full Version: Demi Moore has a weird hairstyle
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is that real? it kinda looks pshopped.
pics on the main site say its real
she needs a razor. badly.
that's a BUSH!
It was 1980 something, awful time in the history of female grooming. Blame the holdover on lots of cheesy 70's porn. At the very least she should cleaned up the taint, fucking lazy bitch.
Yeah, Mad is right. I remember downloading this picture off alt.binaries.somethingorother with my 2400 modem way back when I was a wee lad first discovering internet porn.

Aah, memories...
thats disgusting.
you're so much prettier than she is
The Jays could charm the bush right off that broad
Had to be in her post-One Crazy Summer pre-St. Elmos Fire days.
it looks like a plantation down there
she is gorgeous in every other way. Ageless, she has perfect skin partially becuase she avoids the sun. Also I heard she exclusively eats raw foods.
Don't forget the cock.

She loves to eat the cock.
exclusively eating raw foods? what a celebrity diva cunt.
No wonder Bruce left her.
what, so when they ask her if she wants a steak, they just cut it off and feed it to her like that dude when he sliced off a piece of buffalo meat in Dances with Wolves and made Kevin Costner eat it raw?