Full Version: Nothing for nothing - a thought
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The internet is over-saturated with message boards. What once was a novelty has now become a standard.

"Oh, you have a website? You surely must have a discussion forum then"
dont you have a dozen message boards of your own?
Keyser got banned from .net by Goatweed.

I dont do bannings, sorry.
Keyser Soze Wrote:dont you have a dozen message boards of your own?
While I don't have a message board I call my own, I do admin on 3 sites. (down from like 10 at one point)
this coming from a guy who is too fat for his own bathtub
i wish i had a bathtub
Arpikarhu Wrote:this coming from a guy who is too fat for his own bathtub
This coming from a guy who had a stroke in his 30's.
Jack Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:this coming from a guy who is too fat for his own bathtub
This coming from a guy who had a stroke in his 30's.

Jacks been eating his Wheaties.
:clappy hands:

for Jack!
what is the world coming to?!?!
jack owns arpi
mad owns everyone

almost time to open a wrist
when you reduce your posting, the ones that come out seem more gemlike.
Goatweed Wrote:almost?
yeah, i haven't applied for citizenship yet, although from what i'm reading it could happen in as little as 6 months.
chop chop!!
if i remember i will be printing out the necessary forms from work tomorrow.
if you need any help, let me know [Image: wink.gif]
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