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Irish, Sicilian, but look like a Nazi (German).
thanks for qualifying the Nazi-German thing. I would never have put those 2 together,
I'm no Nazi just to clarify that, because they were the biggest douches ever.
just the sort of thing a Nazi would say
And how many Nazi's do you know?
just you.
my pool is Nazi-free.
your pool is too full of selfishness and bitterness to have any room for nazis.
but I just vacuumed it!!
i apologize for the insensitivity of this thread in the wake of hurricane katrina
Apologizing isnt very edgy
it is now.
I'm turning over a new leaf
i was apologizing to people 5 years ago, before it was cool.
Trend setter
Keyser Soze Wrote:i was apologizing to people 5 years ago, before it was cool.
That's only true as of December 2003, if you considering forgetting a $100 football bet an "apology":

Uhad2much2fast: how do you want the omey
Uhad2much2fast: money
SoupSoupAD: i dont want it, i want you to forgive me
Uhad2much2fast: bullshit
Uhad2much2fast: you have a paypal account
Uhad2much2fast: ?
SoupSoupAD: how many different ways do i have to say im sorry?
Uhad2much2fast: hard to believe you'd crae about my forgiveness
SoupSoupAD: im tossing away $100, do you believe it?
Uhad2much2fast: no, that's not a lot of money
Uhad2much2fast: and you're a heartless bastard
SoupSoupAD: i dont know how much money you make but $100 is still alot to me
Uhad2much2fast: I can afford to lose it
Uhad2much2fast: how about this
Uhad2much2fast: I will forgive you if you can look me in the eye and apologize
SoupSoupAD: ok
Uhad2much2fast: when and where
SoupSoupAD: your call
Uhad2much2fast: I'm not that stupid
Uhad2much2fast: you'd prob make me wait outside on xmas or something
SoupSoupAD: ha
SoupSoupAD: thats mean
Uhad2much2fast: goes with your theme
Uhad2much2fast: having already ruined my birthday, the only thing left is to piss on my holiday
SoupSoupAD: i dont know what to tell you, im trying to offer you my forgivness by not cashing in our bet
Uhad2much2fast: if we ever encounter each other I'll accept an apology in erson
SoupSoupAD: i'd gladly do it
Quote:Uhad2much2fast: you'd prob make me wait outside on xmas or something
SoupSoupAD: ha
SoupSoupAD: thats mean
Uhad2much2fast: goes with your theme
Uhad2much2fast: having already ruined my birthday, the only thing left is to piss on my holiday

Jews don't celebrate Christmas.
They do if they belong to "Jews for Jesus".
damn, looks like Roker put the weight back on - his skin looks waxy, too. Poor Al.
Keyser never apologized to me for that time I saw his band.
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