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....that Rock And Roll Runaways by the Velvet Undeground isnt one of the best songs ever written, doesnt know shit about music! end of story!
Anybody who says that Sweet Dreams by La Bouche isnt one of the best songs ever written has their head all up in their ass, but doesn't know shit!

Edited By The Jays on 1125767035
who the fuck asked you?!?!

go write your teen angst garbage and let the grown ups talk alone.
oh jesus... the old man has finally found out how to copy and paste, rather than having to re-type his tired three year old responses
HA HA, you fucking moron!! i re-typed it in the other thread. no cut and paste. you fucking know-it-all cum stain!!!
Ive never heard it.
how heavy is the rock that you live under?
I've never heard it, and it's not on Limewire, so it probably sucks ass like every other note ever created by Velvet Underground.
I've heard it, but I'm not a big fan.
Galt Wrote:I've never heard it, and it's not on Limewire, so it probably sucks ass like every other note ever created by Velvet Underground.
wow! yet another thing to add to the list titled "things galt is too cool for".
there cant be too much left for you to actually like.

i guarantee you that every one on this board has heard this song.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1125798947
maybe they have, and I probably have too. Are you sure you have the title right? I search on Limewire and it doesn't show up anywhere.

I'm sorry if I'm too cool for everything you are interested in, old man.
I've probably heard this song but i don't know how it goes or remember what record it is on. The Black Angel's Death song rules though
this is not DIGs favorite velvet underground song.
i don't think i've heard this song....
you have all heard it. trust me.
i don't even see this on any tracklistings on, there's a song called "rock and roll" on Loaded. is that it?
that is it. it is named differently on the album and on singles.
you don't even know the name of the song!
your reading comprehension is pathetic.
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