Full Version: Class w/ Quikstop and HFM
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i had a class with teenslut last year...havent seen her yet this year
yeah you did
I'd be bored if I had to spend 100 minutes with QS, too.
what if you had to spend 100 minutes with me?
what if you had to spend 100 minutes with suzie?
I don't wanna' play this game anymore.
what if you had to spend 100 minutes with a nissan maxima?
Depends who's in the back seat!

i want a more detailed recap
i would give you a recap but i was seriously too busy wishing time would move faster. it was too hot in that room and the douchey professor was speaking way too much for a first class.
I used to own a nissan maxima. That was my last car. Ohhh, driving, how I miss ye.
did you interact with the quickinator?
no, he sat 2 rows over. he sat closer to a black than i did, so he loves black people obviously.
you didn't even say hi?!
im older, he should say hi to ME.
<<<Nissan Maxima
don't all the cool kids bring your laptops and get on IM in the class and mock the professor and non-cool kids in the class?
well we are so dumb at northeastern that we dont know how to youz kompyootores.
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