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I think that's the best episode I've seen in about 2 years, it was fucking hilarious.
That was the finale? Either way, it rocked my fucking socks off.

I applaud that episode.
A) It's Wednesday
B) They aired the final new episode of the season at 8 on Wednesday.
C) The episode did indeed kick ass complete with the Sopranos opener montage.
there was an episode on tonight? :bah:
Anybody know which state has banned ferrets and has a 636 area code? :-p

And what's on Sunday at 8 that they couldn't show the Simpsons then?
the x files season finale was on
They even had a new episode 7:30 that night.
I was thinking next Sunday, but allright. They should have just played it the week after on it's normal day. I'm sure everybody else forgot it was on today too.
Next Sunday on FOX from 5 to 10 - NASCAR WC Coca-Cola 600
dammit that was a new episode at 7:30 on sunday? i feel so left out :disappointed:
Quote:Next Sunday on FOX from 5 to 10 - NASCAR WC Coca-Cola 600

god damn it, i forgot the simpsons were on last night. i hate myself!
636 area code is Sprinfield MO, I dun know about the ferrets tho.

Cant wait til season 3 dvd comes out in May. KOTH Family Guy and Futurama dvd's will be out in R1 later this year as well.

Where are the qoute, reply and edit buttons?
Quote:Posted: May 23 2002,4:25 pm

Quote:Posted: Jan. 15 2003,12:13 am
ok i see the edit button but no quote button, and I am using the quick reply

check the dates next time. :thumbs-up:
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