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vehicle = boyfriend?
Arpikarhu Wrote:my vehicle is black.
much better - I assumed that picture was of your actual jeep.

good luck with it - I hope its decent on mileage.
Jays wins.
your standards for victory have hit rock bottom
tracker, wrangler, maybe in 20 years you'll have saved up enough for a forrester!
i use people like you to tend my lawn
you use italians to mow your lawn?
that just proves that you are not of high class, everyone knows to use mexicans.
i have a light out in my fridge. maybe you can come take a look.
What kind of gas mileage does the Wrangler get?
Keyser Soze Wrote:i have a light out in my fridge. maybe you can come take a look.
you couldnt afford the rate
OH SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mad Wrote:What kind of gas mileage does the Wrangler get?
my first half tank , i am averaging 25 mpg
Lay of the land: Maplewood was originally developed as a weekend town for Newark residents and still maintains something of a country-home aesthetic. The small downtown is quaint (think shops with names like CornerCopia), and the residences are predominantly twenties clapboard or brick Colonials, although there are also a handful of condo developments. “It has this small-town sweetness; it’s more like a town in the Berkshires than the suburbs,” says writer Marina Budhos, who moved here from the Upper West Side last summer.

Meet the neighbors: Maplewood is a draw for those who abhor cultural blandness and ethnic homogeneity but who can’t afford to raise families in Manhattan. “The biggest strength of the town is its diversity,” says Jane Goetz, a Realtor and 30-year Maplewood resident. More than 40 percent of Maplewood’s residents are nonwhite, and along with South Orange, its “sister town” next door, Maplewood is home to a number of interracial and gay couples. “It’s a great mix of open-minded people,” says Ed Bikales, who relocated from 103rd Street and West End Avenue six months ago. The town also has a significant artistic and intellectual community. “There is almost an alarming number of children’s-book authors here,” says Budhos, whose husband is, in fact, a children’s-book author.
lots and lots of theater people too! Maplewood owned the U.S in terms of partying when the NJ gay union law passed. the town was hopping that night i can tell you!!
Good choice.

I own a Jeep Wrangler and the bitches love it when the top is off. You better wear a hat though, I imagine the sun would murder a bald spot.
You got a license???
I've had a license longer than you've had a coke habit.
no bald spot here, champ. never assume, it makes you look like a dick.
its not a bald spot, its a solar panel for a sex machine.
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