Full Version: 24 days until freedom
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"Mr. Blutarski, you have no GPA"
it's all over but the shouting - in cruise control now

now it's time to worry about getting rich
or die trying
fuck yeah
1 more day
Psht, Manson didn't need no college.
I'm looking forward to living the rest of my life as an upper middle class hermit heroin addict.
I can't wait for the first novel.

Next major milestone: death
i just realized that my posts will resemble DIG's in 5 or 6 years
Genius has it's price
truer words
diceisgod Wrote:DONE

Next major milestone: death
or the one of the big C's
children, cancer, or criminal charges.
rule of thumb felonies negate degrees.
i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that DIG won't be birthing any babies anytime soon
what do you know JR they don't all it dope dick for nothing.
coulda used a big C in that last post or even a little one
it wouldn't be a laz post if he did.
proofreading is for fagots
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