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these threads never get old - have a good one!
happy b-day jack! have baker make you a CHICKEN HOT POCKET!
*fires up the grill*
speaking of grills, goatweed are you going to the BPC block party? (assuming it doesn't get rained out)
Im not sure - whats a BPC block party?
Black Pussy Connoisseurs?
in that case, consider me there!!
me too!
tag team action - nice!!
Bring a truck and have some drag races.
Beautiful People Club
Battery Park City. I figured you'd be first in line for the Z100 Party Patrol karoke booth.
Is he even tall enough to be admitted?
oh - nah, I didn't even know that was going on.
I'd say you missed a good time, but I'd be lying.
I refuse to acknowledge my birthday any longer.

But thanks for the sentiment anyways.
I thought only women did that?