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That dude gets behind a mic, and suddenly starts sounding like one of the brothers, but put him in front of a camera, and he looks like a weiner.
If I found myself in a closed room with Stephen A. Smith and George W. Bush, with a revolver and one bullet, I'd shoot myself.
first, steven a smith is sick of hearing about the yankees and tries to promote the mets at every turn. that alone puts him in my favorites. i dont think he's a fake brother like stuart scott. i just really enjoy listening to steven a on espn radio. i hate michael kay, love max kellerman who is a yankee fan so its not just an anti-yankee thing.
I guess I just can't get over the fact that ANYONE enjoys Stephen A. Smith.

He somehow gets ratings so obviously SOMEBODY likes him, but I've never met anyone...until now, I suppose.

Even if he tries to promote the Mets over the Yankees...who GIVES A FUCK? The Mets are DEAD! And I say this as a Mets fan.

But his NBA opinions are horrible and he deserves worse than death. I cannot believe an intelligent person like you would support such an imbecile. I'm so disappointed.
His delivery is way more annoying to me than his content. I hate how he just screams about everything. I don't even know what he's saying.

It's one of the reasons I can't watch those Sunday morning political shows.
A Sir O-Galt hatred of Stephen A Smith and Tim Russert thread would be fun.
Tim Russert? I thought everyone loved him?
God I HATE you!
I have no opinion of Russert. I don't watch those Sunday shows. I'm too hung over and/or watching football stuff. I just know how he always does the debates. I thought everyone loved him? I thought he was like the Bob Costas of politics.
is russert that old guy?
Meet The Press. I personally think John Stewart is America's news anchor.

Steven A. Smith, to me, is entertaining to listen to because I get more Mets content from him than from any other broadcasters on the radio outside of Joe Beningo.
It's not very hard to find a broadcaster that doesn't like the Yankees.

I prefer the YES network announcers over the Yankees Radio network announcers, only because YES actually has former players in the booth, which is how it should be, not just a color man and a elevated stat girl.
Sean McDonough and Jerry Remy don't like the Yankees.
i like the former players on YES, i just can't stand listening to the hole and the blowhard.
I actually like the entire cast of Around the Horn and PTI. I will say that Max was better than Stat Boy at the Horn show but it's still good.
i dont like that blackman guy on around the horn. i love the hosts of PTI. max >>>>>> statboy
i don't really hate statboy, just never really liked him
He's from Staten Island, ya know.
staten island shouldn't even be a ny borough, its more like the guido capital of NJ.
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