Full Version: Happy Birthday Sleeper
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I find it very dissheartening that there has been no attempt at a birthday thread for one of our nearest and dearest.
thanks! I will ban The Jays if he doesn't apologize for that other thread
hey, I wished him a happy brithday already, get off my back!
that doesn't sound like an apology
hey, how was I supposed to know that crx girl appreciation day and your birthday both fall on the same day?
no respect
shut up, you, you, you member of the disassociated youth!
have an edgy birthday
Happy Birthday
I thought the other thread was a bday thread too.

oh, and happy bday - what's left of it.
I already said it...over IM!
awww happy birthday to you!
I missed it. Next year, I promise.
whatever fuckface
happy belated birthday.
Wanna' see some black cunt?