Full Version: Who are you more likely to give change? - A White homeless Person or a Black Bum?
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Ok, it's because I really don't care. Get a fucking job just like everyone else. Unless you were unleashed from the mental hospital, there is no reason why you can't get a fucking job. It's your fucking choice that you are homeless. I'm not going to support your decision. I don't care if your legs got blown off in 'nam. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a job. If you want to live on the streets for the rest of your life, that's fine but don't ask me to help your cause.
Where's Guillani to export these people to back Jersey again?
ive seen the "ninjas killed my parents, need money for kung fu lessons" guy. he's on the corner of 14th and 5th, near union square.
yea thats where i saw him, didn't know thats what the rest of the sign said
i saw him on my way to chipotle
You should give him nunchucks instead of quarters.
lush Wrote:Ok, it's because I really don't care. Get a fucking job just like everyone else. Unless you were unleashed from the mental hospital, there is no reason why you can't get a fucking job. It's your fucking choice that you are homeless. I'm not going to support your decision. I don't care if your legs got blown off in 'nam. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a job. If you want to live on the streets for the rest of your life, that's fine but don't ask me to help your cause.
Where's Guillani to export these people to back Jersey again?
That's better.
You're welcome
yea i ask THEM for money since they make more than me
You should just grab a sign and chill out on a corner then, all you need is a catchy sign like the "my parents got killed by ninjas".
yeah i was down with everything up until "I don't care if your legs got blown off in 'nam" and then i care just a little bit. i mean, let's not be totally heartless here people.
sucks to be him!
His arms and his brain still works. Even retards sort glass.
If Stephen Hawking can be a productive member of society then so can you!
Stephen Hawking does important work that involves the fate of the universe. All these bums and homeless people do is piss themselves and drink Mad Dog 20-20.
I hate that crap. Drink a bottle of that then your ready to fist fight with your own mother.
I prefer screw top wine before beating a family member
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