Full Version: What is your Poison - beer/liquor/wine/other
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In this thread You will tell us what your poison of choice is using this template

if you currently don't do drugs what drug was you favorite or the one you think you would like to do.

Beer: Coors light/Mosten Ice/Corona
Liquor: Vodka -Grey Goose/ Ketel One Rum Screech/ Bacardi Gold
Wine: Chardonnay/Pinot Grigio
Drug: did enjoy Weed
Beer: Coors Light/ Corona
Liquor: Bacardi 151, Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels,
Wine: Boone's
Drug: Trees
someone didn't follow the template
Same as Hybrid, we're a couple of fags.
Beer: miller lite, brooklyn lager, blue moon with lemon (yes the last two are gay), stella artois
Liquor: patron, jwb, jim beam, jack
Wine: ravenswood red zinfandel, coppola red zinfandel, blackstone merlot, ruffino classico chianti
Drug: weed occassionally
GonzoStyle Wrote:Same as Hybrid, we're a couple of fags.
beer - yueng ling (sp?), bud light
alcohol - jagermeister
wine - no idea
drug - never tried anything, don't really want to
Beer: heineken
Liquor: jack and coke
Wine: gross
Drug: vicodin
Beer: Guinness/Bass
Liquor: Tequila
Wine: never, it gives me headaches
Drug: Pot
beer: Bud light, black and tan
liquor: captain and coke
wine: white
drugs: none
beer: Bud light, black and tan
liquor: captain and coke
wine: white
drugs: none
The Sleeper Wrote:Drug: vicodin
Welcome to my world
Beer: Heineken/Corona
Liquor: Southern Comfort, Yagrmeister, Goldshlagr
Wine: Pinot Grigio
Drug: only smoke when someone else has and offers
Beer: I like them all but mostly wind up drinking Coors Light
Liquor - None except the occational irish car bomb or shot of blackberry brandy
Wine - merlot
Drugs - all except coke and meth because speed makes me insane
Hybrid Wrote:pbr
diceisgod Wrote:
The Sleeper Wrote:Drug: vicodin
Welcome to my world
unfortunately i haven't had it in 7 or 8 months
drusilla Wrote:
Hybrid Wrote:pbr
The poor mans beverage of choice.
Beer: Coors Light, Killians Irish Red(Draft)
Liquor: JD
Wine: not into it.
Drug: Ambien, Vicodin, Diaphenhydramine in copious doses.
The Sleeper Wrote:unfortunately i haven't had it in 7 or 8 months
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