Full Version: New Fiona Apple - thoughts?
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I remember everything!!!
I'm sorry.
I promise that if we ever meet again, I will take notes and write a transcript that can be purchased for $5.00. Maybe I'll go one further and tape it.
and don't forget I get to touch your ass and say "pardon me, madam".
that's fine.
and you promised I get to touch your boobies and say "tally ho!"
I draw the line at ass. My ass has it's own mind.
see you're forgetting again, you promised!!!
im an ass man myself.
I never said that!! Ass only and make it seem like an accident.
It was worth the try.
But if your tits were fake you'd let everyone squeeze them, right?
Of course but you would always get first in line, princess.
i just read an interview with her and she seems either completely wacked out or completely having it together, i can't decide. she made it seem like her music had gone in a whole new direction though.
she's nothing but a skinny whore who likes to suck the cock of Paul Thomas Anderson.
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