Full Version: DirectTV to air XM content starting Nov 15
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Ever since I heard that Ron & Fez have arrived to XM I've been thinking of buying an XM unit. However, if it proves possible and cheaper to sign up for High Voltage with my current DirectTV package, I'll totally be signing up in order to record the show either through Tivo or on my computer at home while I'm at work. Yippee!

Wow thats cool, I didnt even make the tivo connection. I might actually get XM now.
I only hope Tivo will allow me to. I'm pretty sure it will, but I'll hold off on signing up until I can find out if it will be possible. After I keyworded Radiohead, my Tivo did occasionally record 4 hours of a Music Choice channel that had Radiohead in it's channel description, so there is that.