Full Version: Is there a hotter woman on tv..... - Than leah remini
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[Image: leah05.jpg]

she looks scary in that picture

Yes, there is.
I agree. Leah Remini has't been hot since she was best friends with Samantha Micelli
Not the best pic of her, but she is smokin'
Ok here is a better pic...

[Image: st0003.jpg]
Hotter than Leah.........
[Image: erinmoran.jpg]

Edited By Galt on April 01 2002 at 09:52
Ya know, Snuka... sometimes you have to just admit that you are wrong and Galt and I are right.
Nice....ummm....lips on Leah...LOL
2nd picture is better, hot little body.
Danked, maybe you should start another topic about it. You're starting to come out of your shell that way.
Snuka should stop getting brainwashed by Don and Mike.
Galt Wrote:Danked, maybe you should start another topic about it. You're starting to come out of your shell that way.
Ya think? I alwas get so nervous posting new ones....

but okay, okay... I'll do it!
[img][[/img] [Image: alba1.jpg]

and probably fake...
[Image: 005.jpg]
alba is definitely way hotter than leah.
"probably" fake? Did you hear about that shooting on Fear Factor last month?
yea i was gonna say albas hotter but you guys beat me too it
she looks good snuka, but there are definately better looking out there
Plenty of hotter women on tv than Leah Remini. Alba, most of the chicks on slayer, the corpses on The Forensic Files, katie holmes, tina fey, etc.
nobody is hotter than the mom on raymond!!!
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