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I've enjoyed the Brosnan movies very much, the last one with Halle Berry was meh but he was still awesome. Goldeneye though ranks as one of the best Bond films ever, top 3 for me.
i havent seen a bond movie since octapussy.

clive owen is actually a great choice, he was just smarmy enough in closer to be bond.
The studio is making the official announcement today.
Goldeneye was the best Brosnan movie for me, they seemed to go downhill after that though. I didn't like The Halle Berry one much because it was being used as a vehicle to get her into a spinoff series (which apparently went nowhere).
I agree they all gradually got a little worse as it went on but his films were eons ahead of all the moore and dalton films combined. Plus he honestly was the most perfect choice for the character. I'd rank Goldeneye after Gold Finger and From Russia w/Love.
heresy!! thunderball, from russia,goldfinger. goldeneye barely cracks the top ten
It's called an opinion, thanks. Plus you only named 3, tell me the 10 films better than goldeneye.
what is this word "opinion"?
An opinion is a view or judgement on a subject. In your case your opinion is always right and others are wrong if they differ.

I'm still waiting for 7 more bond movies better than goldeneye
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