Full Version: What can you get for 25 bucks today?
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you're a good son.
hope you at least got lucky for splurging that 250.
Keyser Soze Wrote:brunch cost me $250 for mothers day at the fairmont in chicago
I didn't even spend that much at Luger's
I'm pretty sure I sent my mom a card.
le bernardin cost $340 for 2 people.
I know you say you actually enjoy taking women to dinner so its not really paying for sex but you should look into hookers, they're much cheaper.
no shit, nobody ever spent 200 bucks on me and i always put out.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I know you say you actually enjoy taking women to dinner so its not really paying for sex but you should look into hookers, they're much cheaper.
i didnt take her to dinner to get laid. she loves to fuck me.
Maybe that's your problem, keep your legs shut until you hear some french restaurant.
le big mac.
i'm a simple girl i don't need that fancy crap. i'm happy with a six pack and a sandwich from the deli. i did get a bottle of wine and some chocolates a couple weeks ago though, that was nice.
340 dollars for 2 people for food?!

if i ever spent that much money on a meal, the end result would have to be that my shit would turn into gold that i could then sell to break even.
there was a senator sitting at the table behind us
royale with cheese for the madam, thanks.
Keyser Soze Wrote:le bernardin cost $340 for 2 people.
what the hell were you eating that night? it didin't cost us that much.
well its prix fixe for $95 per person, plus a few glasses of wine tax and tip
ahhh, no prix fixe for us. but i do remember my uncle bitching that my cousin ordered a vegetable plate for $65.
i didnt even know they offered anything but prix fixe.
i dunno, i was there years ago
ahem, apparently you can get nothing there for 25 bucks so keep it moving.
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