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I haven't seen it in like 15 years and figured i'd give it a watch cause I remembered how awesome it was. Wow how that movie fuckin sucks, except for the scenes with Rutger Hauer, this movie fuckin blows. No wonder harrison ford refuses to even acknowledge this movie exists.
I disagree. It's a classic. Sean Young is amazingly hot in it, too.
i think its overrated, but still very good.
i remember the first time i ever saw it was the night before i left for my sophmore year of college & i thought it was the worst movie ever. i couldn't believe all thy hype around it. that movie is awful. & its so rare to find someone else who hated it too.
yet you both think Hudson Hawk is a fine peice of cinema. Maybe you two are soulmates or something.
i apprectiate camp, not crap!
the movie is shit
The FX never hold up. Watch the first Star Wars without all the digital enhancments and it looks cheesey compared to the last one. Time is never kind.
I disagree, visually blade runner is great, of course considering when it was made you can't compare it 20 years later. Thats all it has going for it though, and rutger hauer.
i tried to watch it a couple years ago and i couldn't even get through it
Don't watch The Outsiders as an adult. When I was 12, it was the best movie in the history of the planet. I watched it again, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
plus blade runner never answered the fucking question: do electric sheep dream? wasnt that the whole fucking point?!?1
Galt Wrote:Don't watch The Outsiders as an adult. When I was 12, it was the best movie in the history of the planet. I watched it again, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
yeah there's really a bunch of movies that should never be watched as an adult cause it will ruin all perception of their greatness.

Case in point: The Goonies.
the goonies is eternal!
it is as long as you never watch it in your adulthood.

Another is Howard The Duck, what a huge blow that was.
Howard the Duck is a classic piece of shit on what not to do to a movie.
I'm pretty much resolved to watch good movies from now on like Unforgiven

"Maybe if you covered up your face someone would wanna hump wi' ya and you wouldn't have to do all that cleanin!"
I say it's the duck of death!