Full Version: My jk2 multiplayer server
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I'm in.
we dont want you :-p

Edited By HyBriD on May 09 2002 at 8:30
nobody want's you so I guess were even.
i hate this...when i get the game, the server goes down(and for some reason it doesnt work when i host).when my brother comes home from college and takes permenant control of the good computer, back comes the server
good one jack. you must be the supreme commander of all that is funny.

anyway, i dont know if i can play at 10 tonight. other people in my family need it for hw now (:angrySmile , so i may or may not be there exactly at 10. please hang around for a little bit, i really wanna play.
We have already gone over this:

Jack Meehoff = Teh Unfunny
yea, x10.
I suck. My graphics card isnt powerful enough to play. Sad
Geforce 4 AGP cards are under 130 bucks now. If you have an onboard video card you can disable it and install a Geforce 2 PCI card and those go for about 100.
GeForce4 Ti 4400 = SEX IN A BOX
Geforce 4 Ti4400 = Half a paycheck

Geforce 4 mx440 = 129.99
so................where the fuck is everybody? i dont see the cdih server in the list.
Sorry folks, I fucked up and didnt set it to a public server. I'll try again tomorrow night, seeming how it looks like only me, hybrid and Jack were going to play anyway.
[Image: hulk.gif]
Nevermind... Going to bed now. Will play tomorrow though. 10 oclock?

Edited By Jack Meehoff on May 09 2002 at 11:21
i'll just play tomorrow. we can get a big game on with everybody hopefully.
Quote:GeForce4 Ti 4400 = SEX IN A BOX

so GeForce4 Ti 4600 = THREESOME IN A BOX???
i hate all of you motherfuckers. you all lie.
The GF4MX is just a suped up GF2. If you want a value GF4 go with TI4200 and oc it to TI4400 levels. And if you want even lower go with a GF3 or a Radeon 8500. But don't fucking touch that MX card.
Quote:But don't fucking touch that MX card
I'm using the mx440 and it seems fine. How much better can a video card be? (Its my first card so I have nothing to compare it to)
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