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What is the best and easiest to use video editting software?
Adobe Premiere
the wheels are in motion
Puggle pr0n awesome.
Premiere isn't the easiest. If you are a beginner, the razor and ripple delete will be your best friend.
its not a piece of cake but if you run into problems with premiere theres a ton of resources online to help you along.

i am getting slash vibes.

Edited By Gooch on 1131152436
Windows movie maker. I believe it comes bundled with XP
thats funny, i just typed out three consecutive question marks, i didnt mean to post that smiley but it serendipitiously reflects my exact reaction to gooches post.
Isn't there a rule about posting just a smiley?
only for Luna & Splatt.
i had this image of DIGs movie being a lovely little suicidal opus.
I hope this is a video of DIG with cute puppies. That would be the greatest video of all time.
cute puppies up close with a wide angled lens?