Full Version: New Jersey Seeking New Slogan
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Hawt Baux Wrote:Wheas my Cheesebawllz?

Quote:As seen on Aqua Teen Hunger Force!

new jersey: friggin' awesome!
New Jersey: We have the Statue of Liberty...and her taxes too!
Welcome to New Jersey, Now Go Fuck Yourself!
Welcome to North, Central or South Jersey.
new jersey- where if its in a book, we dont know it.
new jersey, creating suburbias disaffected youth for 100 years
At least we're not Staten Island.
new jersey-turn signals are optional
we make toxic waste fun!

new jersey-home of hoffa
New Jersey, Where Broadway's Finest Park Their Wranglers.
Arpikarhu Wrote:new jersey-turn signals are optional
That one freaked me out, very cool.
New Jersey, we're more densely populated than you!
New Jersey... no, you didn't just step in something.
New Jersey we're disarmed so please murder at will.
New Jersey...the place where left turns are illegal
new get used to the smell
new jersey...we have more 24 hour diners than your state has houses
NJ - where NY Football teams call home.
Goatweed Wrote:NJ - where NY Football teams call home.
I choose you!
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