Full Version: Hate him or love him
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Thriller is still an amazing album.
Phil Spector was a fucking psycho, but he still produced the Ronettes.
never left my playlist.
and, really, how can you go wrong when quincy is on the other side of the glass. tell me, because I don't know how you can.
does it get any better than billie jean?

the beat alone.
the SETI Institute has scrapped the whole binary coded transmission they've been sending out for years, and instead, have started to play the beat to Billie Jean
It is so amazing, plus his voice... fuckin shame what he ended up as.
hey, look, if i had his sucess, i would bought a monkey too
most geniuses end up in a similar state. its the price you pay.
see: Brian Wilson
Thats not true, you never saw james brown turn himself into a white woman, he just beats women.
jacko's had problems since he was a kid , with his dad standing on the side of the stage with a belt whispering "thats right, sing and dance". how bout that stry about him and tatum o'neal, laying under the covers like a deer in headlights. he's weird, he makes good music sometimes, and he has the wealth and/or debt of a small nation. his story is like the story of greek gods.
the oddessy of michael
to know michael is to know the mind of god