Full Version: Sausage and....
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leave, now!
and then you dip them in maple sauce
i actually really like turkey sausage. its much leaner.
and it's not made from filthy animals
i dont dig on no swine. I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?
it's turkey links and turkey bacon for me!
the turkeys are bred/live in/eat their own shit before theyre processed for your faggy "sausage links".

Id rater eat the real deal.
the shit makes it tastier. i just like the way turkey sausage taste. i'm not opposed to the traditional kind, but turkey is yummy.
what kind of fake ass eyetalian are you!
hey, don't question the italian in him; he's got a family recipe for gravy
Nyaaaaaaaaaah... what's up, doc?
Gonzo is such a hater, isnt he?
not in this case.
oh he is, trust me. you had to see him that night.
We haven't gotten along since!
but serious, carrots? i can't really blame the fella. thats sacriledge.
No. That's delicious.
there was also pasta & spices, the carrots werent overbearing - but the fact that they were there prompted his hatred.
is gonzo even italian?
he's Korean, I believe.
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